Our group applies data driven methods to understand air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and their interactions with the climate and society. Projects in our group typically involve some combination of atmospheric chemistry modeling, satellite and in-situ observations, Bayesian statistics, data assimilation, and machine learning.
Our research aims to answer challenging environmental questions such as:
How to effectively trace greenhouse gas emissions and carbon neutral progress?
How do greenhouse gases and climate interact with each other?
What are the sources, distributions, and evolutions of major air pollutants (O3, PM2.5, NOx, SO2, CO, etc.)?
Joshua Kumm gave oral presentation at AGU Fall meeting on improving model representation of 2023 wildfire air quality impacts by assimilating satellite NO2 data.
Dr. Qu speaks with Reuters about increasing methane from tropical wetlands and its climate impacts.
Dr. Nana Wu, Dr. Kai Fan, Joshua Kumm, and Dr. Zhen Qu gave oral presentations of their research work at the CMAS conference.
Dr. Kai Fan presented his work on air pollution justice at the 9th NC Breathe Conference.
Dr. Qu published a paper in PNAS explaining the 2020-2022 global methane surge by wetland emissions. Checkout new release by NC State.
A review article led by Dr. Drew Shindell on The Methane Imperative is published. Dr. Qu is a contributing author. Check out Policy Outlook and news release.
Congratulations to Josh Kumm for getting the EPA ORISE Fellowship to work with our EPA colleagues on estimating NOx emissions.
Welcome to Dr. Kai Fan and Dr. Nana Wu who joins our research team.